Paying It Forward

Holliston Reporter

Ralph and Nancy Stover have lived in town for many years. Giving to others is a way of life for them: active member of the VFW, Altar Guild at St. Michael’s Church, adopting rescued dogs, and busy at the Senior Center. This alone has made for many friends.

Nancy and Ralph Stover

The tables have turned.  Ralph is presently dealing with cancer treatments. Nancy is an ever-diligent caregiver to Ralph. These factors are consuming both their time and energy. Now it’s their turn to receive the loving gifts of time and attention from others.

Last Saturday, a group of Ralph and Nancy’s friends and acquaintances banded together, forming the “Weeding Warriors” for a major cleanup of their yard. The gardens bring them great joy, but tending them had to be last on their list.

With inspiration and organization from Clarissa Flannery, flower gardens got tended, vegetable gardens got weeded, overgrowth got clipped back, and several truckloads of debris went to the landfill.

The yard looks great! Their spirits were lifted, and the “Weeding Warriors” felt good for being the Stovers’ gardeners for the day.

Kindness is alive and well in Holliston!  We all just need to take the time to see the opportunities right in front of us. Step up and make someone’s life brighter. We all could use it. We all can do it.

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2 thoughts on “Paying It Forward

  1. A wonderful thing to do for Mr. and Mrs Stover. Sometimes we all need a little boost.
    The weeding Warriors your all awesome !

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