Governance Committee Continues Its Research

Holliston Reporter

The Chairs of both the Governance Committee (Sam Tyler) and the Finance Committee (Ken Szajda) called their respective Committee to order remotely at 7 PM on Tuesday evening, September 15.  The shared meeting time allowed the Governance Committee (GC) to gather more information about Holliston’s present budget development procedures. 

Members of the Finance Committee explained that the procedures and the role of the Finance Committee during past 5 or so years had evolved due to a change in personnel, namely the Town Administrator, whom Chair Szajda said was “not strong in finance.”  Prior to present procedures, Szajda said that the process had been “very collaborative.”  Szajda detailed the budget timeline with the GC and said the FinCom acted as a balance and check.  Szajda expected that the process would change because Travis Ahern, present Town Administrator, has a finance background.

Additionally, FinCom recommended the GC creating a policy rather than a by-law.  Dan Alfred (FinCom) said, “I caution against too many by-law changes,” noting that a policy would allow for more flexibility.  Szajda said that some of the budget process is governed by State Statutes. Michelle Zeamer (FinCom) remarked that the Special Town Meeting, scheduled for October 26, might have fewer attendees than an Annual Town Meeting, and a bylaw change would be significant.  Zeamer also recommended the use of purchase orders, not presently utilized. 

Tyler thanked the FinCom for its help, and at 8:20 PM the Governance Committee left the FinCom meeting to continue its separate agenda with its own Zoom meeting.  The GC discussion resumed with a review of the pros and cons of creating a by-law versus a policy for Holliston’s Fiscal and Financial Procedures.  Individual members voiced concern about the timing of the Special Town Meeting in October.  Tyler said the GC would not make a final decision until it had a couple more meetings.

To gather more information, members each agreed to interview 3 Town Administrators from Tyler’s   matrix of 15 towns comparable to Holliston, to gain TAs’ perspectives on practices that work and those that do not work.  Tyler will create a set of questions to be used for these interviews.

The meeting adjourned at 9PM.  The GC will meet with the Select Board to provide an update of their work on Monday, Sept. 21, at 7 PM.  The next scheduled meeting is on Thursday, September 24, at 7 PM, with the School Committee.

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One thought on “Governance Committee Continues Its Research

  1. Sounds like good constructive meetings. Good ideas & suggestions, lots of research including a variety of other towns. Holliston is unique in many ways but still must follow all state laws. One of only a few towns with an elected Finance Comm., which in my opinion, is far better than appointed. Jackie Dellicker

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