Nearly 50 people accessed Thursday evening’s Planning Board meeting. Chair David Thorn called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm and reviewed the remote meeting guidelines.
Anticipating that many on the remote meeting were attending to participate in the planned Public Hearing regarding a Special Permit for CRG Integrated Real Estate Solutions at 555 Hopping Brook Road, Mr. Thorn quickly alerted those present that the Hearing was being Continued until a later date at the request of CRG.
Since the Public Hearing for CRG could not start before 7:15 as published in the agenda, the Board took care of some housekeeping details. Also postponed was the Continuation of a Public Hearing regarding 1569 Washington Street.
At 7:15, Chair Thorn opened the Continuation of the 555 Hopping Brook Road Special Permit and officially announced that CRG had requested another continuance. One citizen had a process question about why the Board was continuing the Hearing. Mr. Thorn indicated that since the petitioner had properly requested the continuance no Board discussion or action could take place that evening. The Board tentatively scheduled the next Continuation of the Public Hearing for 555 Hopping Brook Road for September 17, 2020. The Board voted to continue the Hearing until that date. Information about this permit request can be found here ->
The final piece of business on the agenda was to review the site plan for the new water filtration plant being built at 784 Central Street to clean and sanitize the water from Holliston’s well #5. Engineers Ali Parand and Chuck Katuska reviewed the site plan with the Board. They highlighted the safety features of the new facilities and how the filtration system will be able to handle 475 gallons / minute which would more than cover the current need. No more brown water!!
The Planning Board tabled action on the site plan until the Conservation Commission has reviewed the environmental impact. Town Planner Sherman will draft a motion for the Board’s action at its September 3, 2020 meeting. Mentioned in passing, the Adessa proposal will also be on the September 3rd meeting agenda.
The meeting adjourned at 7:38 pm.
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What is the proposed plan for 555 Hopping Brook Road? Why does it require a special permit? And why are 50 citizens motivated to attend a remote meeting? Could The Reporter please provide some details? I searched the site and found no further information.
Ms. Grosjean – The link in the article takes you to all the related documents. The concern seems to focus on the possible increase in truck traffic in and out of the industrial park onto Route 16.