Police Log: January 13 – 19, 2014

January 13:

Animal incident, Washington; deer struck and rann off.

Warrant arrest, Fruit; Charles Claussen of Ashland.

B&E, Cutler Heights; report of larceny from a vehicle.

January 14;

Animal incident, 421 Fiske; deer struck. Dispatcher dispatched the dispatcher who dispatched the dispatchee (3 nouns and 2 verbs).

Suspicious activity, 10:40 PM, Lake Grove Cemetery; report of female supposedly in trouble. K9 on scene.

January 15;

Suspicious vehicle, Cold Spring; report of vehicle travelling at high rate of speed and blaring the horn at 2:00 AM. Gone on arrival (no kidding)

K9 training, No details provided.

January 16:

K9 training, NE Industrial Park; tracking exercises.

January 17:

Animal incident, 990 Washington; dog struck. Owner took control of dog.

January 18:

Eight crashes on slippery roads all over town.

January 19:

Slow day.

During the reporting period, 13 citations, 14 warnings and one overnight parking ticket issued. Five erratic drivers reported.


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