July 29, 1913 – The selectmen, at a special meeting last night, heard complaints of citizens regarding recent lawless occurrences in the local square and at East Holliston, where it is of common occurrence for a gang of toughs to frighten and insult women in the evening. It is probable a special police officer will be appointed at once to cover East Holliston, and it is the sentiment of many citizens that an officer is needed for night and Sunday duty in the square.
August 13, 1913 – Monday night at 11:30 o’clock Mrs. G.E. Tylee discovered two men attempting to force an entrance into the residence of James Talbot, Washington Street. She telephoned to the night telephone operator, who got word to Mr. Talbot, but before he got out of doors the men disappeared in the direction of Mt. Hollis. The couple had tried all the windows on the north side of the house and had cut the wire screen from a kitchen window. It is believed to be the work of local characters, who doubtless thought the house was vacant.
Early yesterday morning M.T. Hayes, Exchange Street heard two men moving about his windows, but succeeded in hastening their departure.
Hen thieves have also been active of late. Mrs. O’Grady, Winthrop street, lost 20 birds Sunday night, and residents of Metcalf report losses of fowl. Pinecrest farm lost 300 broilers stolen in one night.
August 21, 1913 – Farmers on the outskirts are making precautions against further depredations of the chicken thieves which infest this locality. The Fessenden farm received this week several large watch dogs, with which to entertain unwelcome visitors.
September 29, 1913 – Townspeople frequenting the square Sunday were gratified by the improved conditions resulting from the regular patrol of the section by Chief of Police Albert T. Falvey of Milford, for 30 years on the Taunton Police force. He commenced his duties Saturday night, and there was a marked improvement over the usual Saturday night sounds of revelry which have been disturbing elements for some time past. Chief Falvey will patrol his beat daily from 5 PM to 1 AM, and will maintain an office in Town Hall where he will receive complaints from citizens.
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