The Select Board opened their second meeting of the week at 7:01 pm on May 27, 2020.
The primary purpose for the meeting was to validate each department, board, and committee’s 1/12 budget. In validating each budget, the Board is ensuring that the Town will be able to meet its financial obligations between July 1, 2020 and the Annual Town Meeting, which is currently scheduled for Monday, July 20, 2020.
During the meeting, the Board approved the following 1/12 budgets:
- Town Accountant – $14,557.33
- School Department – $2,912,271,92
- Youth Advisory Council – $12,354.50
- Parks and Recreation – $10,917.41
- Library – $42,916.80
Several other budgets were postponed until the next meeting (tonight) to ensure the correct budget information was used to calculate the 1/12 budget.
Board Business:
- The Board approved a Reserve Fund Transfer not to exceed $15,500 to install permanent service windows (barriers) at all Town service windows where citizens interact with staff.
- The Board approved a new policy that allows merchants within the Village Commercial and Commercial zones to apply to the Board for permission to use sidewalk and parking lot space to expand sales area. The full policy, with its full conditions will be posted on the Town’s website. This is a temporary measure. While the new policy will be implemented when the State authorizes Phase II re-opening, merchants may apply as soon as the application is available on the Town website.
- No new action was taken with regard to the Annual Town Meeting Warrant. The Warrant must close no later than one week before the Annual Town Meeting, currently planned for July 20th.
- No budget transfers were acted on.
Other Business:
- Mrs. Hein noted that two actions taken during the May 26, 2020 should be modified based on new information received since then:
- The crosswalk painting on Central Street (from Mark Ahronian Way to the sidewalk near the cleaners) does not require new highway rules and orders. The Board approved a revised motion to direct the DPW to paint the new crosswalk as soon as possible.
- Y&FS Director, Jackie Winer alerted the Board that the approved software, estimated to cost $3,500 at Tuesday’s meeting, was verified by Technology Director to cost $4,224. The Board amended its earlier motion to authorize the purchase of ‘Simple Practice’ and ‘’ at a total cost of $4,224.
- Mr. Cronin has heard from legislative contacts that legislation is pending to reduce the number of people physically present to achieve a quorum at Town Meetings.
- Mr. Ahronian sent his best wishes to Andrea Minihan in the Town Administrator’s office.
The meeting adjourned at 8:18 pm. The Board meets again TONIGHT starting at 7:00 to continue validating 1/12 budgets.
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