Select Board: July 19, 2021 Meeting

Holiston Reporter

Following an Executive Session, Select Board Chair Tina Hein called the public session of the July 19, 2021 meeting to order at 7:08pm. A new camera angle gives us a little more coverage of all those who sit at the conference table.

Police Life Saving Awards – The first item of business was to have HPD Chief Matthew Stone (below) publicly recognize four HPD personnel the Department’s Life Saving Award.

The Board Clerk, John Cronin read the following citation that accompanies the awards presented to the personnel at a recent Departmental Roll Call.

“I am honored to present you with our Department’s Life Saving Award for your extraordinary efforts on a medical emergency call on the evening of June 14, 2021.

Det. Avey, Sergeant Belson, Officer Loftus, and Officer Parent, responded to a “possible overdose” call in the front parking lot of the police station. Upon arrival, you were directed to a male party who was slumped over in the back seat of a vehicle. You immediately assisted this male party out of the car and placed him onto the ground. At this time, the victim had a slight pulse and was experiencing shallow breathing. Based on your training and experience, you knew that this man was experiencing a narcotic overdose and immediately administered a single 4mg dose of Naloxone/Narcan. After seeing no noticeable effect, the automated external defibrillator (AED) was connected, a second 4mg dose of Naloxone/Narcan was administered to the victim, and rescue breathing was initiated. A total of 3 rounds of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) were completed before the victim became responsive and was able to be moved to the recovery position.

As the Holliston ambulance prepared the patient for transport to the hospital, he appeared to have regained full consciousness.

I speak on behalf of the entire Department, when I say that we are extremely proud of your performance on this call, and I’m sure the patient’s family is eternally grateful for what you, Sergeant Belson, Officer Loftus, and Officer Parent were able to do to save this man’s life. If not for your swift action and skilled response, he would not have survived.

Thank you for upholding the high standards of this organization, and please know that your actions are tremendously respected and publicly recognized for their contribution to public safety.”

Respectfully Submitted and Awarded to You,

Matthew J. Stone, Chief of Police

Chief Stone shared that one of the award recipients commented that HPD officers “do this everyday.”  The Board acknowledged that sentiment and stated, “they’re grateful to have the well-trained members of HPD serving our community.”

  • Stone also reported on HPD’s recent successful Blood Drive which he hopes will become an annual event in partnership with Boston Children’s Hospital.
  • While Chief Stone was still available, Town Administrator, Travis Ahern reported that HCVE (Heavy Commercial Vehicle Exclusions) have been approved by MassDOT for: South Street (and Clark in Medway), Bullard Street, Locust Street, and High Street.  Railroad St., Fiske St., and Lowland St (for 24 hour restriction) were not “recommended for approval” at this time.
  • The Board voted to update the Town’s Traffic Rules and Orders to reflect the new restrictions.
  • Chief Stone plans to follow the same education then enforcement roll-out with the recent HCVE approved for Woodland Street.

CARES Act / ARPA Programmatic update

Fire Chief Michael Cassidy (above) reported that Holliston still has 1 active COVID case – no new cases in the past week.  With the rising case rates across the state and country, continued vigilance and prevention are requested.  Town Administrator Ahern developed the graphic below to summarize the way Holliston used its available allocation of CARES Act Funds.

The flow chart below illustrates how Holliston’s ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) $4.3 million allotment will be requested / approved. 

The quick way to check if your group’s (no individual aid is in this program – other sources may help individuals) idea qualifies would be to click the link above and fill out the form.  Government entities, non-profit groups, and some businesses are the focus of the ARPA funds.  The initial deadline for request submission is August 2, 2021. There are currently two requests in with many in the pipeline.

The ARPA steering group has no spending authority – its function is to review requests and make recommendations to the Select Board for funding.

Warrants: The Board approved two warrants: FY21 = $1,762,391.24 and FY22 = $1,176,276.10.

Public Comment:

  • Mr. Cronin:
    • Asked for an update on the State’s Technical Assistance Bureau (TAB)review of Holliston’s governance.  Mr. Ahern reported that the TAB was still collecting data and would likely have a report in September – perhaps in time for Fall Town Meeting.
    • He will be meeting with the Park & Rec department soon
  • Mr. Sparrell: None
  • Mrs. Hein: Welcomed Jay Robinson, Finance Committee Liaison to the Select Board who was in-person at the meeting.
  • Public: None

Complete Streets – Progress Update

Mr. Ahern provided an update that included a listing of 58 projects around Town that could fall under the Complete Streets grant program.  The Board discussed ways to maximize the State funds to accomplish items on this list and lists from other relevant studies.  There is a working group tasked with preparing a recommendation to the Select Board.  The grant application deadline is October 3, 2021.

Comments from Town Administrator

  • Mr. Ahern provided a brief tour of the Town’s website.  Citizens can stay abreast of all aspects of Town government through the Town’s website. Specifically, Ahern highlighted the Water Treatment update (above); Town’s Competitive Bid Page;  and the survey collecting resident input on the future of 260 Woodland Street Survey (the survey closes THIS FRIDAY, July 23rd).
  • The Comprehensive Long-range Planning Committee (CLRPC) held its first meeting last week and will hold its second meeting on August 4, 2021 at 7:00pm.  The public can access the CLRPC meetings via Zoom.
  • The Economic Development Committee now has a full complement of members with the recent appointment of Patrick Hafford to the 7-member group.
  • Mr. Ahern will be out of the office between July 21 – 26, 2021.

Board Business:

  • Appointed Pooja Gupta to the Cultural Council, 2-year term
  • Appointed Richard Shansky as an alternate member of Conservation Commission 1 year term. Mr. Shansky introduced himself: a scientist who has a love of the outdoors and serving his community. Thank you Mr. Shanksky
  • Awarded engineering contract for the Mudville project – to AP Associates ($218,400).
  • Also, construction equipment will be staged in the Municipal Parking Lot with work on the Mudville drainage / paving project to begin August 1st. There will be joy in Mudville!
  • Approved minutes from the June 21, 2021 meeting
  • Accepted a donation to Park & recreation $2,800 from Newcomers Club for Summer Concerts – with a thank you from the Board.

Other Business:

Mrs. Hein: An update from TAC on the work and tools of that the Traffic Advisory Committee has done to date at a future Board meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 8:31pm.

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One thought on “Select Board: July 19, 2021 Meeting

  1. It will be my honor to serve on the Conservation Commission. I have a lot to learn but looking forward to it.

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