My apologies for the late recap.
In attendance: Chair John Cronin, Vice Chair Tina Hein, Clerk Ben Sparrell, Town Administrator Travis Ahern
Town Preparations for Celebrate Holliston’s 300th Anniversary Parade
As of this date they are expecting 82 organizations to participate in the parade, approximately 1400 participants, and approximately 45 vehicles.
Hour long discussion regarding logistics of the parade, safety, staging etc. Two residents spoke vehemently about the lack of consideration to the neighbors impacted by this parade and the lack of awareness until recently.
Memorial Day Parade update
Steve Bradford announced Grand Marshall will be Bob Blair. The parade date is Monday, May 27th. Parade steps off at St. Mary’s at 10:00 parade starts at 11:00 from VFW and anticipates being at the Town Hall by 12 for ceremony.
After the ceremony at the Town Hall they will proceed to the police station for flag raising. Welcome, speakers, then Grand Marshall plus reading of the veterans who have passed since last Memorial Day.
May 2024 Annual Town Meeting Preparation
TA Ahern discussed various changes (minor) to the warrant which may require last-minute updates. All updates can be found on the town’s website by following this link.
Public Comment
Chief Cassidy provided a quick overview on the Holliston Hazard Mitigation Plan Update and advised that there is a public survey available (this link).
Vice Chair Hein: Congratulations to the newest police officer and welcome. Letter to sign for grant application (federal (SS4A)) for supplemental activities (part of the community planning).
Clerk Sparrell made a motion to pay the warrant, 2nd by VC Hein, passed.
Comments from the Town Administrator
Both prior speakers discussed items.
Board Business
One Day Liquor License Request [Crafted] for Saturday, May 11, 2024, during the 300th Parade
Following the restrictions laid down by the state, VC Hein stated this would help mitigate the loss that would otherwise occur. Motion made by Clerk Sparrell to approve the license and waive the fee. 2nd by VC Hein, passed unanimously.
Conservation Restriction for Community Farm, granted to Sudbury Valley Trustees, Inc.
On hold while correcting signature pages.
Notice of Contract Award: Water Meter Advanced Metering Infrastructure Procurement to Stiles Company, Inc. for a not-to-exceed amount of $796,873.00
Clerk Sparrell made a motion to have TA sign the contract. 2nd by VC Hein, passed.
Update Town’s Health Insurance Eligibility Policy for Retirees and Surviving Spouses – Section 1(d)
TA advised because of the timing and changes this should be put on hold temporarily. Clerk Sparrell made a motion to release the memo from confidential status, 2nd by VC Hein and passed.
Conservation Restriction for Community Farm, granted to Sudbury Valley Trustees, Inc.
29 acres preserved.
Motion to approve by Clerk Sparrell and 2nd by VC Hein, motion passed.
Last Minute Business
Holliston Lions requested a one-day liquor permit for May 13, motion made by Clerk Sparrell, 2nd by VC Hein and approved unanimously.
Chair Cronin indicated this is his last SB meeting after 6 years. He indicated it was his privilege to serve. He hopes that the improvements in town have left things better.
Clerk Sparrell made a motion to adjourn with his thanks to Chair Cronin, 2nd by VC Hein (with her thanks as swell).
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