The Holliston Select Board held its weekly meeting on Tuesday, July 6, 2021. Chair Tina Hein called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. Just like old times, the first order of business was an update from Fire Chief Michael Cassidy. Chief Cassidy’s update did NOT include any new / active COVID cases in town.
CARES Act / ARPA Programmatic update; Coronavirus update
- Cassidy presented a School Committee CARES / FEMA Request as passed at its June 29, 2021 meeting. The request was for a total of $533,646.24. The Board noted that this request would effectively allocate all of the $1.3 million Holliston received in CARES Act funds. The Chief explained how the amount would be paid in part be unused previously allocated funds for schools’ use and the remainder would be split with some CARES Act eligible and the rest covered by FEMA reimbursement. The Board asked the what if question about what happens if we have more eligible CARES expenses before the end of October 2021? Those new expenses would likely be covered by ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) funds (the Town has received its first ARPA funds $750,000). The Board approved the School Committee’s request following the funding model described by Chief Cassidy.
- Mr. Ahern referenced the ARPA Steering Group’a July 1: “Call for Proposals” as published in the Holliston Reporter ->
- Mrs. Hein asked that Mr. Ahern think about how to get the word out to ALL Holliston organizations.
Warrants: The Board approved two warrants: FY 21 $1,257,590.52 and FY 22 $4,271,279.22 ($2.6 million is our payment to the Middlesex County Retirement fund)
Public Comment:
- Mr. Cronin –
- Recognized HPD SGT Glenn Dalrymple on the occasion of his retirement July 6th after 35 years of service to the Town. SGT Dalrymple will become a Special HPD Officer for the next couple of years so his smiling face will be seen around town a little longer.
- The HPD Blood Drive has no more appointments on July 15th. The need for blood donations is critical and appointments are available at other blood drives in the area.
- The ARPA Steering Group’s first meeting will be this Thursday. Going forward, the public will be able to use Zoom to keep up with the Group’s meetings.
- Mr. Sparrell –
- Thank you to Travis Ahern, Mary Bosquet, Sharon Emerick, and Kathryn Pierce for putting together the financial data that secured Holliston’s Standard & Poor’s AAA rating.
- Mrs. Hein –
- Reported the passing of Holliston School Bus driver Pennie Losanno ->
- Reported that a citizen had noticed the American flags were not posted on the downtown telephone poles. Mrs. Hein assured the public that it was not a Board decision and every effort to be ready for the next suitable occasion.
Comments from Town Administrator: Mr. Ahern had the following update for the Board –
- The Standard & Poor’s AAA rating was thanks to the people mentioned by Mr. Sparrell and Beth Liberty, a former FinCom member, instrumental in establish sound fiscal policies.
- At 7:30 pm NEXT Monday, the Select Board will receive an update on the 9 Green Street plan. The Public is invited to tune in via Zoom / HCAT.
- Two new pages have been added to the Town’s website:
- A Business Directory is now ready to be populated by Holliston business owners
- The Farmer’s Market has a page within the EDC site to help people find out more about our most recent business venture. ->
- Simkins Tree Service donated some tree work at Pleasure Point. Mr. Ahern will send a thank you letter acknowledging the donation.
Preliminary Survey Results – Use of 260 Woodland St.
Over 400 responses have been submitted since the online survey went live a week ago. The Survey site will continue collecting input until Friday, July 23, 2021. Use this link to add your input –
Fiscal Year 2021 – year end transfers (if needed) – None at this time.
Fiscal Year 2022 – Select Board goals & objectives:
- Mr. Cronin –
- DPW Infrastructure
- Parks maintenance
- ARPA Steering Group
- Mr. Sparrell –
- Partner with the FinCom on policies and timelines
- CLRPC disciplined thinking / action
- Capital Planning – utilize results from studies approved by Town Meeting
- Mrs. Hein –
- Active Transportation / Recreation
- Sustainability and Mitigation
Mrs. Hein complimented her colleagues saying the “Board works well together” and it is “a pleasure” to serve with Mr. Cronin and Mr. Sparrell. She went on to say that she hopes the residents see the “Board’s commitment to advancing the concerns of citizens.”
Board Business:
- Approved widening the driveway at 131 Union Street,
- Approved the minutes of the June 7, 2021 meeting,
- Appointed Joan Shaughnessy to the Gov. Comm. – filling the seat vacated by Tina Lingham
Other Business:
- Mr. Ahern brought an event permit for the American Legion’s Laser Light show at Goodwill Park, Saturday July 10, 2021. This event commemorates the 100th anniversary of the American Legion (which was in 2020) and postponed to this year. The Board approved the permit.
- Mrs. Hein reported that a citizen had complained to her about the volume of the music from the Farmer’s Market. Mr. Ahern will pass the information along to the Market organizer.
- Mr. Cronin reminded everyone that the Hazardous Waste Day is this Saturday.
The meeting adjourned at 8:17pm.
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I would hope part of the Select Board FY2022 goals would be the funding of an independent study and how to improve our Fire/EMS response times, low EMT pay, HQ station renovations for 24 hour useage/female staff, adding FTEs for Fire Prevention/inspections, an administrative assistant and others. These issues aren’t going away.
Hi Chris
Select Board member here. We hear you and I think the goals we set forward are about what we are going to be directly doing over the next year. At this point, we are most likely looking at a warrant article addressing the topics you mention this October with any findings being implemented either the next budget cycle or in FY23 as appropriate. I am happy to talk further if you would like!
To clarify the timeline that Mr. Sparrell mentioned: the FY22 budget (July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022) was passed with incremental and targeted adjustments to the Fire and Ambulance budgets intended to optimize our current service model. These adjustments will be reviewed for measurable impacts in the FY23 budget cycle.
Separately, the Board requested that the Town Administrator’s Office look at 3rd party options for an organizational study in these two service areas (Fire and Ambulance) and bring that information back for discussion prior to the October 2021 Special Town Meeting (STM). The discussions on potentially funding an organizational study will begin when the Warrant for October STM is opened in August.