Chair Cronin was absent from Meeting – Run by Tina Hein
Moved forward: 5 d. Notice of Pledge of License (Lincoln Liquors)
Purpose: represent 6 Brothers Lincoln LLC who purchased Lincoln 1556 Washington St. In Feb/March they requested transfer of license to Eagle Bank. When the approval was received in July, they changed lenders due to a change of interest rates. Want to change pledge to the new lender: eagle bank is no longer involved; the new bank is Saver’s Bank – Town still has control of the license; this is just a pledge for collateral backing up the loan. Nothing else about the license or board approval has changed, the only change is the lender. No public hearing is necessary in this case. The board approved unanimously.
October 2023 Fall Town Meeting Preparation
a. Warrant Review and Finalization of Articles
Travis displayed the following:
This is the list – the funds are:
Reminder that there was a recommendation for long-term signal changes which would require use to outlay funds pending MA DOT funding.
Establishment of Opioid settlement funds $61,500 through June 2023. That will be moved into stabilization funds and all funds received going forward will be sent there. When we have the full board we will discuss how to approach the use of funds. Broader board input is needed.
- COA is still looking for funding for maximizing space at the Senior Center.
- The Historical Commission is seeking matching funds.
- Seed funding for EV Charging Revolving Fund to pursue other municipal lots beyond Green Street (Exchange Street Lot behind Central Fire, Pinecrest, 1750 Washington Street)
- Free Cash appropriation for professional services to support MBTA zoning/mapping changes – Contributions to stabilization funds comes from free cash.
This is a summary, and we have two separate categories. Capital Budget and Full Warrant.
Everything in red has been completed in May or slated for October
Question about Drone Program: Initiative was kicked back and felt more appropriate for Public Safety. Drones have become more common. We had an injured hiker and couldn’t give us a good location. Inaccessible by UTV triangulated using pings by phone. Drones would have allowed us to get there faster. Drones can also be used at scenes of traffic accidents for photography allowing quicker road openings. Lot of areas in town where a UTV can’t be used but drones can be deployed faster and allows for faster/more immediate response. These will not be used for monitoring purposes; they are strictly for investigative or real-time intel for an incident.
Cost listed above includes certification of use, equipment, and would allow for use by Spring 2024. There are some local public safety agencies and state agencies which do have drones, but delays would be inevitable in deploying. More than ½ dozen people have indicated interest in training but it’s been muted rollout because we don’t want to get people excited about something which may not occur.
The drone unit will last easily 3 – 5 years. We will have case studies which can justify replacement costs as needed. Other towns around us are using these. A policy would have to be developed for how / when the unit is to be deployed.
Ms. Hein would like to see this “moved up” the list of importance since the overall use could improve public safety.
Use of facilities was discussed regarding Fire/Police usage and reconfiguration of space fund of, $40.000. 1750 Washington Street space also needs to be reconfigured which is good news. Youth and Family Services space will be in the budget. Veterans are also housed there so it will be necessary to maximize the space as each of the various departments needs space.
ADA compliance with Library has been on the list for a while. There is a need to even out some of the concrete – the access needs to be corrected on the side with the eventual goal of making it accessible from the front. These are all in the capital articles.
An extensive discussion (recording 1:40) was had about capital expenditures and free cash and how to make sure that we have the recommended amount of $$ for maintaining funding levels for priorities and still maintain free cash. The finance committee will post recommendations. Certification paperwork is currently premature because we have to wait until the full process is complete. The information presented is pre-certified and is not likely to be the final number. (discussion continued through recording 1:50). Board will meet on Friday morning (10:00 am) if necessary to remove/change requests after finance committee meetings.
Posting recommendation is 09/29 —
Physical mailing notification for Town Meeting and how to obtain physical or electronic copies of the Warrant
Mailings will be going out and we want to make sure materials are posted in a timely manner. October 6th deadline but we’d ideally like to have information posted earlier if possible.
Is there a method for monitoring increase in traffic to site following posting and ability to check on prior town meeting attendance.
2.) Warrants – approved unanimously
3.) Public Comment – Tina: Next Wednesday (10/4) will meet in Blair Square is walk/bike to school day. Tina will be attending Women Conference with colleagues.
There was some confusion about the hybrid meeting mentioned in the Holliston Reporter which was clarified.
4.) Comments from the Town Administrator – notes that because of the rain delay CH will be back at Goodwill Park Green Street on 9/30. Original parade route will be used. Approved event permit for CH which was rescheduled from 9/23. Passed unanimously.
5.) Board Business
- Appointment to Conservation Commission – Matthew Clark term to expire June 2026
- Appointments to Open Space Committee – Aaron Schachter term to expire June 2024 and Andrew Johnson term to expire June 2026
- Appointment Heidi Gibson, Holliston Cable Access term to expire September 2026
All appointments passed unanimously.
e. Meeting Minutes August 28 and September 5, 2023
Minutes approved unanimously
- One Day Beer & Wine License at Outpost Farm from noon to 3:00 Bartending by Crafted 10/7
- One Day Beer & Wine License at Boston Honey Co. from 1:00 to 5:30 Bartending by Crafted 10/21
Both passed unanimously.
6.) Other Business
Travis: If we are confident with the draft we will share more broadly. Will share out so we can address questions more quickly.
Motion to adjourn at 8:00
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