When the Holliston Lions asked folks to consider cleaning out their attics and closets and donating clothing, linen, eyeglasses, yarn and hearing aids, we figured we would get some takers. What followed was amazing and we want to thank everyone who participated!
On April 19th, the Holliston Lions published a piece here on the Reporter asking for your help to raise funds for Massachusetts Lions Eye Research Fund, Inc. We figured with everyone at home, this would be a good time to do such a collection, and we had the storage area! Boy were we surprised.

Our final day of collection, April 29 and before we ever got started, this is what the storage area looked like! However, this turned out to be a fraction of what we were going to collect! Lion Dennis Murphy was able to secure an additional contribution from Color, Inc./All Stars! This is what the additional donation looks like.

There are no words to express how grateful and appreciative we are of your efforts and generosity. Because we are unable to hold our usual fundraising activities, these donations will be turned into cash and put to great use.
We would also be remiss to forget about the donations of eyeglasses, coats, hearing aids, yarn, knitting books and knitting needles. The yarn will be put to use making lapghans for seniors for the holidays as well as hats and scarves for shelters for the holiday. The knitting needles and books will be donated to Senior Centers for use by their knitting groups.
For those of you who missed out this time, take heart, we will be scheduling another “clean out and help us raise funds” towards the end of June. Thank you again for your support.
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