The Knights Are Out for Funds!

Holiston Reporter

The St. Mary’s Knights of Columbus Council 14224 is in the midst of ticket sales for its 13th Charity Raffle.  Knights will be found around the area in the coming weeks offering everyone a chance to buy a winning ticket.

Recently, Knights Joe Mongelli (L) and Dick Masson (R) were selling tickets at Shaw’s in Ashland. Here’s where you will find Knights in the coming weeks:

  • Visit the KofC booth at “Celebrate on Central” on September 18th
  • September 18-19; 10AM-2 PM: Shaw’s in Medway
  • September 25; Downtown Holliston 
  • September 25-26; After Masses at St. Mary’s

You may contact any Knight directly to buy tickets.  $5 / ticket or five tickets for $20 (it’s like buying 4 and getting one free!) 

Another option is to send a check payable to KofC 14224 along with your address and phone number to Tom Anguish, 542 Winter Street, Holliston, MA 01476, and Tom will send your tickets to you. “Easy-peasy!”

All the official rules are here -> Knight’s 2021 Raffle Information

Click the following link to see Grand Knight Al Scaramella and Knight Tom Anguish share more about the beneficiaries of the annual Raffle ->

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One thought on “The Knights Are Out for Funds!

  1. We thank the HollistonReporter for getting the word out on our efforts. This is a huge year for our charitable campaign – past generosity from our residents and others have brought us to the brink of a QUARTER OF A MILLION DOLLARS in donations! All those funds have helped hundreds of people, some for a temporary time and others in a more permanent fashion. Unfortunately, the need is still there for so many, especially due to the impact of the pandemic. Most of the funds stay local, giving support to local agencies which help our citizens. We can’t let them down, can you? Thanks for your past support, and we pray you’ll be there again this year – and until there’s no longer a need.

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