The Old North Cemetery Gets Decorated for Memorial Day

Holiston Reporter

From Ellen Austin

A few years ago, I badgered Steve Bradford into letting me help out with the annual Memorial Day preparations by replacing the flags on the graves of the veterans in the Old North Cemetery on Cedar Street.

I first became interested in the North Burying Yard (as it was originally called) some time ago when I went there with my friend Betsy Varga who has family members buried there going back six generations. Walking down the central aisle of this quiet shady lot is like stepping back in time. I became curious about the history of the cemetery and its people and began doing some research. I have learned quite a bit since then but there is always so much more to find out. The first year that I replaced flags there were nine known veteran’s graves. Since then, with the help of Carol Kosicki of the Historical Society, five more have been identified. These men served in the Revolutionary War, Massachusetts Militia, the Civil War and World War II.

This year when I arrived, I was immediately struck by the outstanding job that Holliston Highway did cleaning up. The winter takes its toll on this little graveyard. There are often broken branches and sometimes whole trees that have come down in addition to the fallen leaves and encroaching undergrowth. This spring it looks better than I have ever seen it.

As I was removing the old flags, I found two of the flags stuck so fast in their holders that I could not get them out. Fortunately, there was a Highway crew working just up the hill. I brought my flags and holders up the road and asked them if they could please help. One of the men took them and pulled them out fairly easily.

So, thank you Holliston Highway for the help with the flags and for making “my” lovely old cemetery even more beautiful.

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