Veterans Day Dinner A Go

Holiston Reporter

American Legion Commander Steve Bradford announced at the Post’s regular monthly meeting on Sunday October 3rd, that the Annual Veterans Day Dinner will be held this year at the Holliston Senior Center on Thursday November 11th beginning at 11 am.

Last year’s event, due to the pandemic, became boxed meals which were delivered to veterans. While the usual venue for the dinner takes place at Town Hall, this space is unavailable due to septic issues.

The list of veterans who are sent invitations is gleaned from the town census. If you for any reason did not check off on the local census that you are a veteran, you will not receive an invite.

Those not getting an invitation are still invited BUT must let the committee know that you are coming. ALL Holliston military veterans are invited.

Invitations will be sent in the next few weeks. If you do not receive one and wish to attend, either email Bobby Blair at or give him a call at (508) 429-6763.

Please be advised that there are no plans to hold a Veterans Day parade this year.

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One thought on “Veterans Day Dinner A Go

  1. The HOLLISTON Lions Club is thrilled to be back again this year helping out!! We cannot wait to see our veterans’ smiling faces!! We Serve!!

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