Weston Pond Field Open for Part Time Off-Leash Dog Activity on Trial Basis

From Mark Frank, Parks and Recreation Director

The Holliston Parks and Recreation Department is looking to combat an overabundance of goose activity at Weston Pond Field.  The geese have become a serious nuisance, causing unsanitary field conditions, resulting in disruptions in play for the local youth organizations.  Holliston Parks and Recreation is piloting a policy change to allow for off-leash dog activity during restricted hours at Weston Pond, with the goal to deter the geese from congregating on that space. 

The rules for the new policy are:

  • Dogs will be allowed on Weston Pond field, on or off leash Monday-Friday from sunrise until 3:30pm.
  • Weston Pond is not a fully-fenced in area—natural boundaries help keep the dogs contained— but this is not a fully contained dog park. This is simply a policy change at Weston Pond field.
  • Owners are legally responsible and liable for their dogs and injuries caused by them.
  • Dogs must be on leash in the parking lot.
  • Please keep dogs off the field if town equipment (mowers or lining machines) is present at the fields. Our typical schedule is Tuesday and Friday mornings, but weather can impact this. 
  • Owners must clean up after their dog and bring all waste with them upon leaving. A carry-in carry out trash policy still applies.
  • Dogs must be properly licensed, inoculated and healthy.
  • Dogs must wear a collar and ID Tag at all times.
  • Owners must carry a leash at all times.
  •  If your dog becomes rough or unruly, leash the dog and leave the park. Dogs exhibiting aggressive behavior will have park privileges revoked.
  • Bring puppies at your own risk.
  • Owners must be in verbal control of their dogs at all times to prevent aggressive behavior.
  • Never leave your dog unsupervised.
  • Owners must not bring more than two (2) dogs to the park.
  • Female dogs in heat are not allowed in the dog park.
  • Children 16-years-old and younger must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
  • Keep children near you, and do not allow them to approach dogs without permission from you and the dog’s owner.
  • Owners, please fill in any holes your dog digs.
  • NO smoking or vaping.
  • All other Town of Holliston public property rules apply.

Holliston Parks and Recreation is issuing this policy on a trial basis through June 1, 2022 (to be continued if determined to be successful).  The measures of success will be bi-weekly field status checks, monitoring disruptions in play, and community feedback on the policy change.  If you are looking for a place for off-leash dog walking, please consider Weston Pond and help us determine whether this is a viable longer-term option to keep our field healthy and safe. 

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One thought on “Weston Pond Field Open for Part Time Off-Leash Dog Activity on Trial Basis

  1. While this might sound like a good idea, a benefit for all. It isn’t! Unless someone from the parks dept is going to police it you will have tons of problems. Just look at the rail trail and loose dogs. And what about the geese some are federally protected and have restrictions on how to control them. Not to mention bacteria on the fields from geese and now dog feces. I feel this needs another look at before opening it up. Remember what happened at Stoddard Park when opened during the winter months. Not a good outcome there.

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