The Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) meeting was called to order by Chair Matt Putvinski at 7:03 PM, on Monday, May 8, 2023. April meeting minutes were approved and will be available on the Youth and Family Services website.

Jackie Winer presented her Director’s Report to the group. She complimented the town’s recent Public Safety and Touch a Truck event at which she, along with several other department personnel, were present to speak to residents. According to Winer, over 400 residents attended the free event.
Winer reported that two interns will join the department for the school year. Interns attend the Boston University School of Social Work and Boston College School of Social Work. Kevin Sheingold will begin in May and end in December, and Emily Glass will join the department in September through June 2024.
The Holliston Drug and Alcohol Awareness Coalition hired Zoe Moreau as the Drug Free Communities (DFC) Coalition Coordinator beginning on May 22. She is a Roger Williams graduate and formerly served as Youth Coordinator for Tobacco Free Rhode Island.
In reporting on clinical updates, Winer said that referrals from both Placentino and RAMS have increased recently.

John Drohan (above) announced upcoming activities of the youth division of Holliston’s Community Action Fund. Friday, May 12, the group will conduct a student art auction fundraiser. Bids will be accepted this evening, and final bids will be accepted on Saturday, May 13, during the Downtown Market at the Fiske Building at 747 Washington Street. The group also plans to offer babysitting during Monday, May 15, Town Meeting at the Holliston High School.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 PM. The next meeting of the YAC will take place on June 12 at 6:30 PM at the 1750 Washington Street building.
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