Youth and Family Services Meets Remotely

Holliston Reporter

Chair Darlene Vittori-Marsell opened the remote meeting of the Youth Advisory Committee at 7:05 PM Wednesday evening.  The Committee heard the Director’s Report from Jaclyn Winer, Director of Youth and Family Services.

Director Winer expressed her appreciation of the Committee’s expressions of condolence, and she thanked Kirsten Rancourt, Community Therapist, for stepping in when needed.  The following were points Winer highlighted from her report:

  • The remote parent education meeting entitled “Pandemic Parenting” attracted over 100 remote calls.  Topics were good.  Following Part II, some parents reached out to YFS for assistance.
  • On May 7, Winer joined Holliston Fire Chief Michael Cassidy, Stacey Raffi from the School Committee, Linda Marshall from the Senior Center, Reverend Bonnie Steinroeder of the First Congregational Church, and Bob Malone of the Council on Aging on Mary Greendale’s program “Just Thinking” on HCAT.  (Access the video here: Just Thinking May 7, 2020.  Winer will be collaborating with HCAT to produce a public service announcement to raise awareness of YFS support.
  • The YFS Resource Guide–recently produced–has been updated to include COVID19 resources.  Rep. Carolyn Dykema’s daily “COVID19 Update” recently shared a link to the guide.  YFS Resource Guide
  • Winer, along with other Holliston department heads, is making plans to re-open using Continuity of Operations (COOP), an initiative to ensure agencies continue operations despite an emergency. 
  • The Committee voted to approve Winer’s proposal to purchase two items to facilitate YFS continuous service during COVID19 restrictions:  two software subscriptions to aid in medical record retrieval, scheduling, and client information– $1392/year, and Simple Practice $2832/year, for a total $4224. 

Director Winer received her evaluation from the Committee and thanked them for their thoroughness.  She looks forward to another year with them.  The evaluation will be submitted to Jeff Ritter, Town Administrator.

Member John Drohan reported on recent financial assistance by the Holliston Community Action Fund (HCAF).  It approved distribution of emergency relief cards to families whose income has been affected by the pandemic due to loss of job or increased financial burden.  The card has a 20% coupon for any Holliston-based business if used in conjunction with the card.   (The 20% discount will be reimbursed to the Holliston merchant by the HCAF.) For a confidential grant application: Application. To donate to HCAF, visit the website: HCAF Website

The meeting adjourned at 7:30 PM.  The next meeting of the Youth Advisory Committee is June 7.

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