Ahronian Landscaping Enhances Blair Square

Ahronian Landscaping recently donated muscle and materials to enhance the “Welcome Garden” at Blair Square.  This, the second phase of landscaping included new bark mulch and perennial flowers for seasonal color.  Complementing Asiatic lilies were donated by the Downtown Marigold Project. 

All newly added flowers were purchased locally and also included pink petunias and yellow marigolds that were planted in an H-configuration.  Ahronian employee Sue Stoddard (in photo below) assisted Mark Ahronian in the completion of this year’s Blair Square Garden enhancement. 

Publishers’ Note: This separate note from Mark gives a little background – “A year and a half ago the Economic development chair at the time, Pete Barberi, asked that Ahronian Landscaping design and install the welcoming garden. We took up the challenge.” Thank you Mark and all the staff at Ahronian Landscaping and Design for this second annual contribution.

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