Fall Town Meeting – Part 2: It Takes a Village

Publishers’ Note: The overall results from the Fall Town Meeting were posted earlier – > https://hollistonreporter.com/2022/10/fall-town-meeting-the-quick-report/ and the entire Warrant can be found here -> https://www.townofholliston.us/sites/g/files/vyhlif706/f/uploads/ftm_oct._17_2022_final_warrant_-_v._9.30.22.pdf

Town Meetings held in the thick of COVID required an announcement via HCAT for a quorum. But by 7:05 on Monday, October 17, 2022, sufficient residents had assembled at Holliston High’s auditorium for the Fall Town Meeting to begin.

Each Holliston registered voter received this hand ballot upon check-in.

Not only was the quorum quickly assembled and exceeded (181 residents in attendance), but participation was lively as many residents spoke to several articles of the Warrant. What follows shows readers some of the organizers, presenters, residents, and others responsible for creating this Fall’s Town Meeting.

Top – Bottom Right: Town Clerk Liz Greendale, Moderator Bill Mayer, Select Board Chair Ben Sparrell, Finance Committee Chair Ken Szajda

Following a greeting from Town Moderator Bill Mayer, both Ben Sparrell, Chair of the Select Board, and Ken Szajda, Chair of the Finance Committee, provided an overview of the work of their teams. Mary Bousquet, soon to be retired Town Treasurer-Collector, received thanks for her dedicated service from all three of these town leaders, and the audience replied with hearty applause. 

Articles 1-10 passed quickly, but we paused for Liz Theiller, who read a statement requesting residents approve Article 3 (Programmatic Stabilization Fund).

Liz Theiler

Theiller especially focused on the need to establish an Advanced Life Support designation for Holliston’s Emergency Medical Department. Ben Sparrell pointed out that this deficiency—identified by the MA Department of Public Health—was being addressed. 

Top Left to Bottom Right: Sam Tyler, Tina Hein, Walter McClennen, Barbara Gardner

Article 11, Governance Committee By-Law Recommendations, was reviewed by Sam Tyler, Governance Committee Chair.  Citizen Ken Szajda identified problems he perceived in the passage of this Article, and he recommended its indefinite postponement.  Szajda felt no need to add descriptors of the Moderator, the Planning Board or information on Scenic Roads, as it was redundant to MA Statutes.  Vincent Murphy noted that the section of Article 11 concerning the establishment of a By-Law Review Committee was vague, as it did not mention rotations of members.   Separately, Walter McClennen and Barbara Gardner also spoke to Article 11: McClennen supporting the indefinite postponement, and Gardner supporting amending some sections. The Article had been vetted by the Town Moderator, the Planning Board, and the Select Board. This article was indefinitely postponed by hand count – 101/46

L – R: Matthew Leach, Town Administrator Travis Ahern

The Meeting progressed quickly through Articles 12 through 17.  Articles 18 and 19, Public Works Facility – Design/Engineering and a non-binding question to determine support for private site acquisition for future public works facility paused for questions from several residents.  Matthew Leach felt that there were other projects more pressing than the DPW facility, and we should focus on the “must haves.”  He also stated that there had been little to no discussion of the present facilities.  Town Administrator Travis Ahern briefly reviewed the need for a new facility, and several residents asked brief and pointed questions.  These included Jay Leary, Katie Connors, and Kevin Conley. Both Articles 18 and 19 passed unanimously.

L- R: Tom Keefe, Vin Murphy, and Minnie Gupta

With no discussion concerning Articles 20-22, Article 23, Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILOT) for proposed Solar Projects provided another opportunity to hear residents’ concerns.  Tom Keefe asked for an indefinite postponement on this Article.  Minnie Gupta also spoke about other residents who would be directly affected by particular solar array locations (103 Bartzak Drive and 600 Central Street) that she felt are dangerous. Explanations were provided by the Town Administrator, and Szajda and Murphy of the FinCom.  Article 23 was approved.

Ken Henderson and Matt Putvinski of the Envisioning Future Holliston Committee (EFHC) provided a brief update on past work and plans for a revised committee.  Barbara Fritts Worby made a request that the EFHC keep diversity in mind as plans are made for the future.  

L-R: Ken Henderson, Matt Putvinski, and Barbara Fritts Worby

Articles 25 and 26 concerning the present and future of the EFHC were passed.

Dan Alfred

Dan Alfred proposed an indefinite postponement of the Citizens’ Petition he submitted concerning Zoning (Article 27). 

Article 28, the second Citizens’ Petition that concerned Tobacco Permits, was approved following statements not to relax restrictions made by Eva Stahl, Carl Liebermann, Jackie Winer (YFS Director), and Mary Greendale. 

The evening concluded at 10:20 PM, when Moderator Meyer paused to thank Liz Greendale, Town Clerk, Veronica Mueller, Assistant Town Clerk and Jay Talerman, Town Counsel for the assistance each had provided.  Ben Sparrell also thanked Bill Mayer for fulfilling the role of Moderator. 

In addition to residents attending, speaking, and working to create the Town Meeting, the HCAT crew worked to deliver the meeting to all homes, the student division of the Holliston Community Action Fund supplied babysitters to parents attending, and the Holliston Police Department arranged for expanded handicap and senior parking. 

Note: I do apologize to anyone missed in this article!

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