Some days you’re the bug and other days you’re the windshield. Monday I was definitely the bug. I apologize for the delay in getting this posted!
The Selectboard meeting opened jointly with the Finance Committee for the purpose of interviewing/appointing a person to fill the open position on the Finance Committee due to a resignation. The person selected with serve on the Finance Committee through May of 2024. There were three very worthy and deserving candidates but by vote the position will be filled by Jonathan (Jon) Nauss. Congratulations Jon and thank you for stepping up to fill this position.
Repeated abuse of heavy vehicle traffic – Board examining the barriers or other impediments for commercial vehicles – conflicting signage issues need to be addressed – signage/signals could be improved at Whitney. This is not a public hearing so there is no debate about report.
Michael Pompili the Senior Engineer on the project talked about the purpose of the report. The full report can be found here on the Town Website. Mr. Pompili reviewed the entire proposal for the board including traffic patterns, etc.
The decision was made to have another traffic study to determine the “post COVID” car counts to ensure that the final recommendation to the board is made with the best interests of the community and the residents who will be impacted by any changes. This will also likely involve another public hearing in Sept. or Oct. of 2023, for the purpose of gaining feedback from the residents of Holliston.
Discussion also occurred regarding lights at Washington and Central and it was broadly agreed we need to take a look at how they are set up at this time because of visibility issues. There were other discussions regarding signage for Green St exit to Washington and traffic pattern to Superette Parking.
The current parking lot at Green Street is at a standstill because of a delay getting a utility pole which is needed for lighting as well as EV station power. Conversations have occurred with Eversource to encourage quicker movement (we want to get the lot opened asap). There has been some difficulty securing a transformer for this purpose.
(recording time: 1:31:50) Motion was made to create a one-way from Washington to Superette effective with opening of municipal parking lot (Green/Washington) opening in 9/2023. Further parts of the motion addressed Holliston PD working with business to mitigate delivery issues, revisiting the traffic patterns (within 2 years), solicit feedback from business. Motion passed.
Electric Vehicle Stations
Presentation made for EV stations based on what 9 – 10 other towns were doing – they all have different philosophies. Ours was focused on covering electrical costs. Came up with fee structure with three elements (cost of electricity, connection charge, overtime fee). If the car is fully charged, it stops charging. The policy recommendation can be reviewed here – motion carried.
Prep for October Town Meeting
Preliminary review of Capital Budget Article based on draft 5-Year Capital Plan update (FY24-28) – Working on updating this plan – Senior Center would like to pursue additional space which was not in the budget – will work with them through the chair to work on changes.
Request for Town Meeting Article related to 15 Winthrop Street (to declare no valid municipal purpose of 2 ft section of Winthrop Street) – Mr. Daniels property owner — (a) temporary agreement (b) other side of building has odd issue with certain areas of property cross over town ownership lines.
Public Comment
Ben: Senior Center September 9th – Donations accepted Tuesday and Thursday
Tina: School starts tomorrow – Safe travels – abundance of patience needed!
Picture provided by Holliston PD regarding Bike Rodeo it was a fun – well attended event
John: Public Dedication for Blair Square: 9/16 recommended – cut ribbons and thank community
Anne Chipman – Jeffrey Avenue / some residents in the area are concerned about safety. Board was having a sidewalk built. Preliminary approval in April. it is a town project, valid concerns: can we find out where that sidewalk is with school starting and safety issues. Second comment there are a number of businesses in Lowland business park which the board was encouraged to engage with the business owners. As a business owner, we’re feeling our concerns and questions do not matter. I would ask again that you engage the business in the park. Most importantly, we’ve watched the progression of closing Lowland, but no one can seem to tell us how many trucks are violating the exclusion. We just spent more than $14k with no study of the number of trucks. All this has been done and no thought about how many trucks this is really a problem. Some residents say there is a problem, others say there is no problem, and we need to determine if there is really a problem: We need to determine how many trucks are really violating the exclusion.
Travis: Ribbon cutting, discussion of movement to town meeting for other comments, recycling center potentially be opened in fall for Sunday for leaf collection. aPPROVED REQUEST FOR SPECIFIC DATES UNAMIMOUS
Sustainability proposals are due by 9/14.
Complaint yesterday changed handicap parking spot because of conflict with ADA ramp, thanks to the DPW for their immediate action.
Other Business
Warrants approved
Other approvals:
- Event Permit – Downtown Outdoor Market, Oct. 7, 2023 – – would like them to use special permit process in 2024 – approved
- Donation to Senior Center in Honor of Grace Kuhrt-Ciocca $500 from the Joseph and Faith Tiberio Charitable Foundation – approved
- Meeting Minutes for July 17, and July 20, 2023 – approved
- Dona Walsh, Appointment Animal Control Officer term to expire June 2024 – approved
- One day Alcoholic Beverage license September 16, 2023, 258 Norfolk Street Arcadian Farms for car show bartender Brian Goodman noon to 4:00 p.m. – approved
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The recommendation of the McMahon report on Lowland St.
“MaMahon recommends implementing a FULL ROADWAY CLOSURE…”p 6 This is a professional, unbiased opinion.
It is clear that violations of the heavy commercial vehicle exclusion occurs for as I reported at a Select Board Meeting in July according to Police Chief Stone there were 36 CITATIONS given on Woodland, Lowland, Regal and Norland St. from January 1 to July 10, 2023.
As we know the police do not have the resources to constantly survey this area.There is a problem on this “local road” to be solved in our neighborhood.
Very Disappointed the agenda for the meeting clearly stated: “no public comment” yet a person who opposes the closure was allowed to give public comment while we in the neighborhood followed the “no public comment” request.
I am not affected by this upcoming decision at all. What I care about is process.
There is a truck exclusion on Lowland. There are truck exclusions on other streets. If we study how many trucks are breaking the rules, and if we find there are x number of trucks each day…then what?
How many are too many or too few to force the policy to change from exclusion? Will that same standard be applied to all other streets with truck exclusions? Who gets to decide?
There’s a rule in place. We are either prepared to enforce the rules or we should not impose them.
I’d suggest that cameras and automated tickets might be one way to enforce. If that means we need to spend money to do that, then we must. The obedient truckers are going the long way and the rule-breakers win. That’s not fair. Enforce Or we should eliminate the rules. Government should not be a paper tiger.
I believe McMahon stated that so all trucks would be not able to pass. (If that was to be the goal of the Select Board.)
But what is the goal of the Select Board?
It is no longer property damage, as that has been solved (wire height).
At the last meeting McMahon said signage needs to be improved.
McMahon said more enforcement is needed.
McMahon said the business’s should be talked to.
McMahon also said at the last Select Board meeting that a barrier could be dangerous to rail trail users if a truck was to hit the barrier and sends parts on to the trail. (This needs to be double checked with the minutes).
The results of a previous traffic report state less than 2% of the traffic going from Lowland Street to Woodland Street was large heavy vehicles.
The industrial park, I believe, has been there since about the 1950’s.
Rerouting the traffic out to Whitney Street will move the problem to another neighborhood. One side of Whitney Street goes to Washington Street/Route 16, but the other side of Whitney Street (and there are 4 egress’s from the park not three) will send traffic down Cranberry Lane (my street) and also into Sherborn.
1) fix the signage – (this may be very important)
2) enforcement
3) egress from Whitney Street to Washington Street will need big time improvements for heavy commercial vehicles.
Traffic studies with the Woodland Street bridge being out may cause different numbers.
(I also believe heavy commercial vehicles like maneuvering in downtown from Washington Street to Central Street)
Please feel free to double check all he above.
(I also believe heavy commercial vehicles DO NOT like maneuvering in downtown from Washington Street to Central Street)