Life’s Milestones – Let’s Celebrate Them All

Holliston Reporter

We are happy to announce a new page on the Holliston Reporter news site – Milestones.  This page has been in the works for some time now.  It feels like the right time to put it into use – although more work remains.

The Reporter has a tradition of publishing obituaries.  The Milestones page has been created to publish MORE of life’s milestones: births, graduations, engagements, marriages, and obituaries.  Presently, we are not accepting birthdays of any age.

The creation of this new page allows more space for news on the HOME page.  In the short-term it will be necessary for you to click on MILESTONES to check for postings. 

Ultimately, we hope to use some of the far-right column on the HOME page to alert / link everyone to a new post on the MILESTONES page.  (And yes, for those of you who are reading / thinking ahead, there will be similar new page devoted to SPORTS – coming soon).

We hope that you will want to share those important milestones in your lives with others via the Holliston Reporter.  Please find Submitting Articles to the HollistonReporter on the CONTACT US / SUBMISSIONS page to send your story and picture (JPEG format is best) to us.

As with the posting of obituaries, there is no cost for posting Milestones– it is part of our community service to Holliston.  If you wish to make a monetary contribution to supporting this free and impartial news service, please contact us at to work out the details.

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