School Committee: October 24, 2024 Recap

The Holliston School Committee met on Thursday, October 24, 2024 at 7pm in the Holliston High School Library. The full meeting can be viewed here.

The meeting began with a report from the student representatives (see minute 1:17 of video).  Students provided an update on HHS activities, including fundraisers, athletic events, and the PSAT.

Following general comments by the school committee, there were three public comment statements.  Michelle Hastings and Denise Irving (teachers in Holliston Public Schools) provided comments regarding the Bus/Start Times Advisory Committee (see minute 4:00 for public comment and discussion).  Barbara Ryan (Holliston PTO) discussed the partnership between the PTO and school district, per pupil spending in Holliston compared with other districts, and potential changes to school bus/start times.

The primary agenda item for Thursday’s meeting was the presentation of the district and school improvement plans.  The district began with an overview of their five year strategic plan (minute 33:06), followed by presentations and discussion of individual school improvement plans.  Included in the presentations were an overview of each school’s progress toward 2024 state accountability targets, and a comparison of High Needs vs. Non-High Needs students’ 2024 MCAS results.  Each principal also discussed supporting students’ literacy and math needs, students’ social-emotional wellbeing, increasing student attendance, and communicating with families.

Following each of the school improvement plan presentations, Principal David List provided an update on the high school schedule (see minute 2:22:30).  The high school is working with a Powerschool consultant to identify what changes are possible within the school’s structures, and considering different variables related to student needs and academic interests.  Another update will be provided at the November 14th school committee meeting.

The school committee completed a second reading of Policy IKE- Promotion and Retention of Students ( see minute 2:30:30).  The reading was followed by a vote to adopt the policy.

Central office gave updates on their continued outreach efforts to families and students (see minute 2:32:20).  In addition to holding a second coffee hour on October 24th, a student roundtable took place at Miller, which included feedback from students regarding lunchroom food, RISE cards, desire for a later start time, and ways to bring inclusion into Miller School.  A team of teachers and administrators will participate in DESE’s Dyslexia Institute, and the district provided an update on improvements to school outdoor spaces.

The school committee voted to approve the Miller, Adams and HHS clubs (minute 2:37:32) and approve the stipend for the grade 5 variety show (minute 2:42:47). 

The meeting ended with updates from each of the subcommittees and approval of a community communication which was published on 10/25 to the Holliston Reporter (minute 2:45:00).

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