The Holliston Select held a brief – but very important – special meeting on Thursday, July 20, 2023. Chair John Cronin called the meeting to order at 6:30pm with Select Board Clerk Ben Sparrell participating remotely.

Given the remote participation, Town Administrator Ahern read the special remote participation guidelines that amend the State’s Open Meeting Law.
Introduction and Appointment of Assistant Fire Chief / EMS Director Brian Kelley
Mr. Ahern reviewed the recruiting and selection process as outlined below.

Mr. Ahern noted Asst Town Administrator / HR Director Kathleen Buckley who was key in the hiring process (seen in the top row in the image below).
Following Mr. Ahern’s summary, HFD Chief Michael Cassidy (below right) gave a brief overview of Mr. Brian Kelley’s (below left) credentials including his Paramedic license and having firefighter and EMS experience, working with two communities to move from Basic Life Support to Advanced Life Support Ambulance licensure.

Members of the Board each took a turn engaging Mr. Kelley in some Q&A and comments. Mr. Sparrell expressed excitement for the community given how important ALS is to our town. Mrs. Hein expressed her trust in the thorough selection process and asked Mr. Kelley what attracted him to Holliston? Kelley’s reply was, “it’s bringing me back to my ‘home’ town” – a community that he feels a connection to already. And he gets to apply his college education!
Mr. Cronin asked two process related questions: What steps from BLS -> ALS? Mr. Kelley has two previous experiences / materials for doing just that. How long should it take to get to ALS? Mr. Kelley, given enough Paramedics (14 – 20), the shortest time could be 6 months and it could extend 12 months – or longer.
Chief Cassidy noted that Mr. Kelley, during the interview process articulated very specific equipment / costs associated with the transition and expects to have a supplementary budget request on the October Town Meeting Warrant.
The Board unanimously voted to appoint Brian Kelley as Holliston’s Assistant Fire Chief / EMS Director at a date to be determined with annual renewal appointments in June for FY 24 – 26. Welcome to Holliston Asst. Chief Kelley, we’re counting on your success.

At that point Asst. Chief Kelley was asked to introduce who were with him Thursday evening (below). Asst. Chief Kelley and his wife Lindsay, have five children (the youngest can be heard on the recording), along with siblings and other family members – some who also work in the Fire Service.

Board Business:
- Approved the request for $5,000 of the State Earmark go to the 501c3 Celebrate Holliston committee for preparation of the 300th anniversary.
Other Business: None
Mr. Cronin reminded all that there will be NO meeting during the week of July 24, 2023.
The meeting adjourned at 6:51pm.
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Welcome to Holliston Assistant Fire Chief, Brian Kelley! We are looking forward to your leadership qualities to bring Holliston ambulance service to the ALS (advance life support level) which it sorely needs. It was very good to hear you say this could be done in 6 to 12 months!
Thank you to Town Administrator, Travis Ahern and the support of the Select Board for the progress to appoint an Assistant Fire Chief who will bring Holliston up to the regions standard of ALS in a very timely period.