Select Board Recap 01/27/25

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In Attendance: Chair Tina Hein, VC Ben Sparrell, Clerk Damon Dimmick, TM Travis Ahern

Chair Hein introduced Bernard “Bernie” Lynch explained the process they would set up to find candidates for Town Manager for Holliston.   He spent a fair amount of time explaining the process, and more information may be found here.

Select Board members decided on the following Screening Panel Nominees for Appointment (Panel aligned with the seven (7) Strategic Priority)

  • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI): – Marlene Fine (Envisioning Future Holliston)
  • Education & Enrichment: – Hilary Bresnahan (School Committee)
  • Environmental Sustainability & Natural – Resources: Carolyn Dykema (former State Rep.)
  • Financial Stability: Jeff Marshall (Board of Assessors)
  • Flourishing Economy: Mark Ahronian (Business owner)
  • Robust Infrastructure: John Cronin (Sewer Commission)
  • Thriving & Engaged Community: – Sara Zarrelli (Historical Commission)

Process was walked through, Clerk Dimmick made a motion to appoint the above referenced Screening Panel, 2nd by VC Sparrell, motion passed.

PUBLIC HEARING: Farmer Brewery/Farm Winery Pouring Permit (on-premises) for Holliston Brewing Company, LLC D/B/A Rushford & Sons Brewhouse to be located at 747 Washington Street

Several comments back and forth regarding the permitting process, the contingencies put on by the Zoning Board and the Health Board.

Clerk Dimmick motion made to go forward with the approval at the ABBC – for a pouring permit for Holliston Brewing Company (Rushford & Sons Brewhouse) 2nd by VC Sparrell, motion passed.

PUBLIC FORUM Bike Park Proposal – 260 Woodland St 7:30 p.m.

The SB welcomed the following to the table:

Mark Frank, Rec Director

Shaw Lively, Chair of Parks Commission

Shannon Cornwell, Asst Rec Director

Mr. Frank provided an in-depth explanation of the project that is anticipated for Woodland Street. More information may be found here

  • Mike Carvalho –
  • Blackstone Valley NEMBA –
  • Website:
  • Facebook:
  • Instagram:

The SB enthusiastically provided their commitment to assisting the group in moving this plan forward and taking the next steps and specifically stated should anything be needed from them to please return to them.

Weekly Warrant(s) – A/P & Payroll

Note: Since Holliston is now working under a Town Manager, the process for this has changed from the last month. This no longer requires the Board to hold a vote due to the terms of the Town Manager Act.

TM Ahern will now be handling contracts under a certain amount as well as signing off all warrants for the week and bringing the information to the SB for transparency sake.

Clerk Dimmick made a motion to approve the warrants as signed and approved for disbursement by the Town Manager. VC Sparrell seconded the motion and it passed.

May 2025 Annual Town Meeting – Warrant Preparation

Preparation Town Meeting (May 7th) – Warrant was opened in December and will close on March 10th at 4pm (ATM Kathleen Buckley will handle this)

All information sent to the appropriate departments and pending information back regarding what their needs are for Capital Requests.

Chair Hein reminded people that Citizens Petitions must be submitted by March 10th.

FY2026 Budget Development Process – Compilation of Departmental Requests Received by January 17, 2025 Deadline

The information for the FY26 Budget can be found here.

TM Ahern walked through the information which is posted in the above link for explanation purposes only.

Comments from the Town Manager

Bi-Weekly Report (week of January 20th) See this link

TM Ahern also discussed various issues including the Sustainability Coordinator, various boards around town which are in need of additional people, and the process going forward. There are many outstanding issues and he will ensure ATM Kathleen Buckley has a firm grip on all of them in preparation of his departure on 3/1.

Board Business

Clerk Dimmick made individual motions to approve the following: 

  • Request to waive or reduce the fee for the use of the Upper Town Hall on March 3, 2025 for the High School Indoor Track Team breakup dinner
  • Meeting Minutes of November 4, 2024 and November 12, 2024.
  • Historical Commission – Appointment of Alternate Member to Member

Motions approved by VC Sparrell, all passed.

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