In attendance: Chair Tina Hein, Vice Chair Ben Sparrell, Clerk Damon Dimmick, Town Administrator Travis Ahern
Chair Hein opened the meeting just after 7pm and congratulated the winners of this year’s humanitarian awards. This year’s winners were Debbie Colburn (nominated by Damon Dimmick), Karen Jewett (nominated by Ben Sparrell), and Stacey Raffi (nominated by Tina Hein).
The video of the awards ceremony:
Open the 2025 Annual Town Meeting Warrant
A discussion regarding date of May 2025 ATM (By-Law determined date is Monday, May 12, 2025) Date change to May 7 was made because of various conflicts with the date that is mandated by the by-laws.
Motion to open the warrant as of this meeting and to close on March 10, 2025 made by Clerk Dimmick, 2nd by VC Sparrell, motion passed.
Chair Hein reminded anyone listening that citizens petitions must be in by 3/10 as well.
Motion to move the Town Meeting date to May 7, 2025 subject to availability of facilities.
American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Close Out Discussion
Recommendations from ARPA Steering (12/5/24) – TA Ahern – reallocations would allow the funds to remain in the town’s control through 12/31/2025. Allocate the sewer funds to the contractor so they can allow the Sewer Commission (approximately $150,000) to push through the design work. The remaining funds would be swept into a revolving fund (those which are unspent) (recommendations for various transportation committees – seniors and schools).
Reminder that we need to close out prior to 12/31/24 deadline for obligation of funds (Chair Hein). Chair would also like a detailed explanation of how these funds were spent (TA Ahern reminded everyone that a detailed description can be found on the Town’s website using this link).
Two separate motions made by Clerk Dimmick to obligate the funds as explained by TA Ahern. 2nd by VC Sparrell, passed.
Update on DPW Facility Development
Update regarding Land Court for 20 Cross Street (i.e. Axton-Cross) as site approved by Town Meeting Art. 21, May 2023 Annual Town Meeting – TA Ahern regarding land court – we have continued to press but while they have been very supportive, there is still no current explanation as to why land court will not move on this.
TA Ahern also explained that since the debt exclusion was tied to Cross Street there will have to be another proposal put through Town Meeting and back through the balloting process. Additionally, the time we’re losing is also costing money. We need to discuss alternative locations to ensure we can move forward.
Chair Hein pointed out that the town will still have to get access to the land on Cross Street to conduct EPA studies.
TA Ahern pointed out the town may not be on the hook for these studies if the land is auctioned off for tax purposes. (there may be other uses for the property).
Facilities Manager Keast – All properties were evaluated by Wesson Sampson. – Alternate site locations include
2 Highland (Town Owned) – recommend
248 Woodland (Privately owned) – owned by Boston University – numerous problems – do not recommend
1719 Washington Street (Privately owned) – feasible, some issues which can be overcome – recommend
255 Central Street (privately owned) – several issues including residential properties and wetlands – Conservation Commission to be involved – not recommended
200 Norfolk Street (privately owned) owned by Arcadian Farms – minor cons – lots of pros – recommend
99 Lowland Street (privately owned) – owned by TyWood – several cons which can be overcome – 4.61 acres, Zone 2 concerns, – recommend
Land behind Pinecrest Golf Course – revisit this proposal later
Further recommends opening RFP for other potential problems.
TA Hein, we will remove the “not recommended” properties from consideration given the recommendations of Sampson.
TA Hein would like some input as to why one property with Title II Zone 2 other (one recommended one not).
FM Keast: access, buildable area, and other considerations. While Zone 2 is a concern, the other considerations make one more feasible.
Chair Hein asked if this would be one or two warrants regarding buying and funding?
TA Ahern said we could do one but we also need to understand we still need to have a ballot question.
Motion made by Clerk Dimmick to authorize to solicit interest in sites (private property) including RFP. Change approval at town meeting. 2nd by VC Sparrell, motion carried.
Chair Hein requested the board to determine whether they should go into Executive Session. VC Sparrell feels that waiting for RFPs would be more useful.
Norfolk Street Project Updates
The Water mains projected expected to start April 15, 2025, at the latest; with completion by Nov. 1, 2025. The two page bid requests can be read here. Bids close in January. Eversource would also like to work in conjunction with this project to lay gas lines so that the road need not be opened twice (Per TA Ahern).
Sidewalks, Roadway, Drainage (start date estimate: April 15, 2026) – the road would only be patched after the water mains so that this phase could also be completed. Other decisions which will have to be made prior to the start date include
- Desired road width (currently not uniform)
- Sidewalk dimensions (one side of road, ADA compliance)
- Curbing materials and impacts on drainage infrastructure
Review TAC and resident feedback from 2023 Norfolk Street, Franklin Street, Central Street traffic calming report – A discussion ensued about road width, sidewalks, and more and included safety concerns, sidewalk availability, and speed concerns.
Public Comment
Chair Hein would like to inquire how people feel about the new schedule please provide feedback.
6th Annual Humanitarian Awards were presented and we were joined by Mark Ahronian who was the originator of this award. Honorees were Debbie Colburn (nominated by Damon Dimmick), Karen Jewett (nominated by Ben Sparrell), and Stacey Raffi (nominated by Tina Hein). Thank you to everyone who had a hand in this.
Weekly Warrant(s) – A/P & Payroll
M0tion made by Clerk Dimmick to approve the warrants (2) – 2nd by VC Sparrell, motion passed.
Comments from the Town Administrator
Town Administrator Quarterly Newsletter / Bi-Weekly Report — HCAT is considering taking the TA update and recording it as well as potentially turning it into a podcast. Both reports are currently available on the town website and can also be subscribed to. Reviewed highlights of the bi-weekly report.
Holiday Stroll – Pictures from the Day
You can find the pictures from TA Ahern in the Holliston Hometown Newsletter on page 5.
You can watch the Holliston HCAT video here:
Or you can view various photos here:
FY2026 Budget Packet – Dissemination is complete among all committees and boards along with budget sheets. Further information may be found here.
Board Business
2025 Holiday Schedule / Board Schedule – Motion made to make the day after Christmas 2025 a holiday.
Annual license renewals — all licenses for calendar year 2025 which need approval (cars, liquor, victual). Motion made by Clerk Dimmick, 2nd by VC Sparrell, approved.
- Annual First Night Trail Walk Tuesday December 31, 2024 from 4:30 p.m. to 8:30 approximately
- Seasonal Population Increase Estimation Form for the ABCC
- Renewal Certification 2025 for the ABCC
- One Day all alcoholic beverage permit December 14, 2024 Upper Town Hall from 5:00 p.m. to midnight Bon Fete Inc.
- Bench request from the family of Joseph Gallerani to be placed on Ahronian Way
Individual motions made on above items by Clerk Dimmick, 2nd by VC Sparrell, all motions passed.
Appointments of Firefighters and EMTs/Paramedics
- Joshua Buckler, On-Call FF/Paramedic
- Kristin Buckler, On-Call FF/EMT
- Mike Dumican, Per Diem Paramedic
- Michael Eaton, Per Diem Paramedic
- Erin Kelly, Per Diem Paramedic
- Greg Mauldin, On-Call FF
Motion made by Clerk Dimmick to approve names as presented, 2nd by VC Sparrell, (Chair Hein read names) motion passed.
Purchase & Sale Execution – Adams Street Open Space approval from October 2024 Fall Town Meeting — request docusign (motion was written by Counsel). Motion made by Clerk Dimmick, 2nd by VC Sparrell, motion passed.
Clerk Dimmick: Motion made to close public meeting for Executive Session with public session closed for the evening. Motion 2nd by VC Sparrell, motion carried.
Executive Session requested by Chair Hein– Reason 6 – to consider value of real estate if Chair declares that an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the public body, and – Reason 2 – to conduct strategy session in preparation for negotiations with non-union personnel (Town Administrator/Manager) or collective bargaining (HPA)
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