The School Committee (SC) open meeting of 6.22.21 began at 8:07 PM, following Executive Session for the purpose of Collective Bargaining Strategy with the Holliston Federation of Teachers. Chair Cynthia Listewnik requested a vote on April 29 meeting minutes; these were approved by vote with two abstentions: Minnie Gupta and Amanda Bigelow.
No public comments were heard. SC member Stacey Raffi recognized the work of the Adams Middle School 8th graders who recently pulled weeds, mulched, and planted on the Adams grounds. Superintendent Dr. Susan Kustka stated that the position for a Director of Social and Emotional Learning and Equity is down to the last phase, as the final candidate has been selected. The announcement will be made shortly. Dr. Kustka also voiced her reflection on the school year as “an amazing journey.” She said, “It is hard to believe we made it this far!” considering the unprecedented pandemic situation. Dr. Kustka added that the Statement of Interest (SOI), having been approved for submission by the SC and the Select Board, was being mailed out to the MA School Building Authority this week.
Keith Buday, Assistant Superintendent, congratulated the students, especially for their compliance this school year. “For following COVID mask mandates and keeping physically distanced. The kids stepped up and pulled it off…this was a key component of the success this year,” he said.
In Old Business, Buday requested the Committee vote on the SY 2021-22 adjusted school start times (adjusted for transportation issues) recommended by the administrative team. The vote was unanimously approved. The start times are listed in the graphic below:
Members of the SC did request revisiting this topic in the late Fall for a progress update.
Next, Chair Listewnik recognized the district’s retiring personnel. These included:
Listewnik thanked those retiring for their years of service and their dedication to the youth of Holliston. Together retirees represented well over 200 years of service!!
Previous to this meeting, Listewnik had appointed Stacey Raffi to Holliston’s nascent Long Range Planning Committee, and Listewnik will represent the School Committee on Holliston’s ARPA Committee (American Rescue Plan Act). No warrants had been signed.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 PM.
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