The Gift of Sight and Hearing

Many people are not aware that we collect and recycle both eyeglasses and hearing aids. While eyeglasses cannot be redistributed in the United States, here’s what happens when you donate used glasses:

Lions clean the glasses and they are read by a local eye doctor to get an accurate reading of what the prescription is. Once this is complete, the glasses are sorted out and are sent with various organizations to mission trips around the world. The glasses are distributed free of charge with the best possible match for someone who has no ability to purchase their own glasses.

We collect both prescription and non-prescription glasses as well as sunglasses. The glasses must be intact, we do not accept them if they have broken frames or lenses. Please do not include cases as we need to dispose of them. We do not accept contact lenses.

Hearing aids CAN be remanufactured and redistributed in the United States. We collect hearing aids and they are then sent to Starkey Institute. The hearing aids are then refurbished and distributed to someone who cannot afford them.

These are important items for people’s quality of life. If you have eyeglasses or hearing aids in your home, please consider donating them to someone in need. Eyeglasses and hearing aids may be dropped off at any of the following locations in Holliston:

Middlesex Savings Bank – 830 Washington St, Holliston, MA 01746

Holliston Post Office – 1661 Washington St, Holliston, MA 01746

Holliston Eye Doctor – 841 Washington St, Holliston, MA 01746

Holliston Town Hall – 703 Washington St, Holliston, MA 01746

Holliston Public Library – 752 Washington St, Holliston, MA 01746

The Center – 150 Goulding St., Holliston, MA 01746

If you are a business owner and you are willing to have a collection location please contact the Holliston Lions Club – information can be found here.

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