Fall Town Meeting: Article 11 – Update #5

By-Law Review Committee By-Law in October Town Meeting Warrant

The limited descriptive language in the current Moderator and Planning Board By-Laws are good examples of why Holliston should establish a By-Law Review Committee to periodically review the Town’s General By-Laws to keep them current with the needs of the Town.  Article 11 does authorize a five-member By-Law Study Committee appointed by the Select Board, Moderator and Planning Board to review the General By-Laws every five years to meet the needs of the Town.  The Committee would also offer recommendations for any Articles in a Town Meeting Warrant which propose an amendment or addition to the General By-Laws.

Article 11

 By-Law Review Committee

Section 1. Purpose – The Select Board shall appoint at five-year intervals, in each year ending in six (6) or one (1), a special committee entitled the By-Law Review Committee for the purpose of considering and preparing proposals for the revision or recodification of the General By-Laws of the town as it deems necessary and advisable to keep by-laws current with the needs of the town.  Such proposals shall be presented to the Select Board, which may include the same on the warrant for the Fall Annual Town Meeting occurring no later than the year following the one in which the committee was formed.  The Committee may also review and offer a recommendation for all other articles in the warrant for any Town Meeting which propose an amendment or addition to the General By-Laws.

Section 2. Membership – The By-Law Review Committee shall consist of two residents appointed by the Select Board, two residents appointed by the Town Moderator and one resident appointed by the Planning Board.  Persons appointed by the said agencies may, but need not, be members of the agency by which they are designated.  In addition, the Town Clerk shall serve as an ex officio nonvoting member of the committee. The Committee shall choose from its members a Chair, a Vice-Chair and Clerk for terms of not more than two consecutive years.

Section 3.  Legal Review and Public Notice – The Committee shall have its proposals reviewed by town counsel or by special counsel retained for this purpose by the Select Board.  Copies of the proposed revised by-laws shall be made available to the public on the town website and by publication in a print or electronic local newspaper at least seven (7) days before the scheduled Fall Town Meeting. After Town Meeting adoption of a proposed by-law, it shall be submitted by the Town Clerk to the Attorney General of the Commonwealth for approval in conformity with state law.  Copies of the revised by-laws shall be made available for distribution to the public.

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